Saturday, January 07, 2006

ladies and gentlemen....

Welcome to blog by sara!! I've started this blog because, well, because i thought i didn't already have enough distractions to keep me from doing my work in a timely fashion. So there you have it folks, another form of procrastination! huray!!

i've been back at school since the 2nd and it already feels like i've been here forever. break was fun, short but fun. actually it was extremely short. i was home for a grand total of 17 days. 17 days!! who's winter vacation is only 17 days!? it makes it harder when its so short cause you've got so much to get done and so little time to do it all. it makes it harder to actually relax like you're supposed to. but i still got to be with my family, visit with friends i havn't seen since the summer, be with my wonderful alex, and hang out with his super fun sister aileen. so break was still fun. i did however get sick. upper respitory infection (courtesy of alex). i'm on day 4 of antibiotics so i'm feeling better. still got a bunch of uck in my chest but at least i'm getting better.

winter term has been ok so far. we, here at elon, only take one class for the month of january everyday for 3 hours. i am taking gender and global leadership and boy is it alot of stuff. everyday we either have a paper due or two quizzes to take. don't ask me how you can have two quizzes in one class period because i myself am confused about it. but the stuff we're studying is pretty interesting so its not too boring. but i've got a ton to read before monday so i better get to it!


At 3:38 AM, Blogger Aileen said...

Yay! I'm super fun!

When I was in undergrad we had May term, like your winter term. Only it was in May. Not winter. I can only remember two of my May term classes. One was pre-calculus. That was god awful. The other was Asian American women in literature. The prof was an idiot because he kept wondering why I knew what all the Filipino words meant in the novel Dogeaters. Uh, could it be that I'm FILIPINO?


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